BAFCA Members Login and Education Pathway

  Members Login and Education Pathway Dear Member As you would have seen from the recent press release BAFCA is working with USA Football to support our Coach Education Programme and Qualification structure.  To enable this to happen ALL BAFCA members will need to set up a USA Football account.  You can do this by…

BAFCA Announces Partnership with USA Football

BAFCA Announces Partnership with USA Football The British American Football Coaches Association is delighted to announce a partnership with USA Football to support the development of coach education in Great Britain.  The partnership will be focused on five strands, which will not only support the development of our educators and qualification system, but also enhance…

Welcome from Your President Wayne Hill

Welcome from Your President Firstly, may I say how honoured I am to have been voted onto the BAFCA Board as President.  This will be my twentieth year coaching in the UK, and being able to support the development of BAFCA will be a great opportunity for me.   I believe it is a key position…