BAFCA Announces Partnership with EduCare
The British American Football Coaches Association is delighted to announce a partnership with EduCare for Sport to deliver 19 different online qualifications for BAFCA and BAFA members at an unbelievable price.
EduCare is the leading provider of essential duty of care and safeguarding training and their primary focus is to help keep children, young people and adults safe from harm. In addition to the sport industry, they have also worked with over 25,000 education settings, government inspectorates, leading charities, the ambulance and fire service and hundreds of commercial and member organisations providing concise need-to-know essentials.
EduCare for Sport® provides essential CPD certified e-learning courses along with certificates evidencing who has completed the training and are up to date on these subjects, courses within the BAFCA EduCare suite include:
• Child Protection in Sport & Leisure
• Child Protection – Refresher
• Preventing Bullying in Sport
• Concussion Awareness
• First Aid Essentials
• Safeguarding Adults
• Safer Recruitment
• Equality & Diversity in Sport
• An Introduction to Safety in Clubs
• Mental Wellbeing in Sport & Physical Activity
• Health and Safety
• Food Hygiene & Safety
• Personal Safety
• Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation
• Online Safety
• Practical Guide to the GDPR
• Raising Awareness of Trafficking and Modern Slavery
BAFCA President Wayne Hill commented “We are delighted to bring this partnership to BAFCA and BAFA members. There are key essential courses that we believe all coaches should complete such as Child Protection in Sport & Leisure, Safeguarding Adults, Preventing Bullying in Sport, Concussion Awareness, Equality & Diversity in Sport and Mental Wellbeing in Sport & Physical Activity. However, there are many other courses that will benefit our coaches and club admins especially those who work in specific settings such as Schools delivery or Programme development. Coaches will also have the opportunity to take the First Aid Essentials course which will provide a good insight for our upcoming Football specific First Aid Qualification (Release due May 2019).”
How much does it cost?
The annual licence to access the courses starts from as little as £75. However, BAFCA and BAFA members will be able to benefit from our partnership price of £25 per annum.
Who uses EduCare for Sport®?
With 3,000 course completions every day, EduCare has provided child protection and duty of care training for over 5 million people. Our customers from the sport and leisure industry include:
• Sports Leaders UK
• British Triathlon
• British Paralympic Association
• Parkwood Leisure
• England Netball
• Rounders England
• British Dressage
• Impulse Leisure
• Goalball UK
• British Cycling
• British Athletics
• Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity (CIMSPA)
• English Institute for Sport (EIS)
• British Wheelchair Sport
• Royal Academy of Dance
• Freedom Leisure Trust
• British Association of Snowsport Instructors (BASI)
• Archery UK
• British Ju-jitsu Association
• Disability Snowsports UK
BAFCA and BAFA Members can just click on the link below and pay the £25 to access all 19 courses for the year. All courses will adhere to the CPD certification model of BAFCA and these can be evidenced by downloading certificates and then uploading onto your Go Membership Profile.
Click the button below to access BAFCA /Educare course membership portal: