What To Expect At The BAFCA Convention
By Pete Laird and Matthew Davies
BAFCA and its precursor the NFCA has been in existence since 1992. Established originally with the remit of providing knowledge sharing opportunities between coaches, one of its initial benefits was the delivery of its annual coaching conference. It grew out of the original annual general meeting which met to elect new board members and eventually established itself to the 3-day event we know today, with a dedicated fixture free weekend granted by the governing body.
But what does the convention involve and what can first time coaches expect? Here’s a helpful guide from BAFCA Director Pete Laird and East Kilbride Pirates HC Matthew Davies.
What Happens At Convention?:
PL: The first thing I’d say about the convention is it is a must for any aspiring coach. It’s open to all BAFCA members regardless of experience or level. There is a huge range of speakers with a breadth of knowledge on all manner of subjects. When the schedule is released you will find a variety of local and international speakers with talks held at the same time you can choose your preferred speaker. Plot your convention in advance using the schedule.
One of the best tips I can give is don’t just stick to the ‘stars’ and your favoured position. Stretch yourself by learning about other position groups and you can learn just as much from a local speaker with similar problems as yourself.
Speak to the UK based coaches. We are fortunate to have very high-quality coaches based in the UK and to not tap into their wealth of knowledge is folly. Some of the most significant learning experiences of the weekend come from speaking or listening to UK coaches.
MD: The convention also includes some talks on things outside of the usual scheme and technique – particularly around Building your Programme, Coaching Theory as well as talks on developments on Tackling. In my experience, this sort of knowledge and understanding is criminally undervalued in the UK, where people tend to be fixated on the X’s and O’s.
In truth, by spending time developing yourself as a coach and not just as a tactician, you will increase your flexibility and ensure that whatever team or system your part of in the future you can be a success with it. You can also build your own team up in ways you might not have imagined, which can have all sort of knock-on impacts like making player attraction and retention easier, securing better funding and facilities and developing new coaches from within your team, all of which will lead to more sustainability and a lot more wins down the line than understanding a new defensive coverage.
Anything Else Can I Expect?
PL: There is a huge amount of networking at the convention especially at the organised event on the Saturday. It can be intimidating, especially when so many of the top coaches all seem to know each other, but don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, and if you want to ask advice or pose a question from someone don’t be afraid to ask. The one thing you will quickly learn about the best coaches is that they are there to learn and they are there to help educate others. Making the game better is their first priority and there are no real secrets in Football. We all learn from someone. I overhauled my entire offense on the back of conversations and whiteboarding in the foyer with three different coaches I didn’t previously know but who were happy to help.
Don’t worry about names, everyone tends to wear labelled coaching polo’s and if in doubt just call everyone Coach.
MD: The networking element is absolutely fundamental and it’s one of the main reasons I attend coaching conventions. No matter which of the sessions you attend throughout the weekend, you’ll pick up a handful of nuggets, but the contacts you make and the networks that you build, both in those talks and in the social time in between sessions and in the evenings can last a lifetime and really open up further growth and development opportunities down the line.
I’ve had some fantastic conversations online and over the phone in the wake of attending conventions, all of which have helped me better understand the game and overcome some challenges.
Anything else I should know?
PL: There are usually stalls at the convention from UK kit suppliers with merchandise and books also available for purchase. Bring pens and lots of paper! The bar in the evening is a good social area where untold war stories are retold and exaggerated out of all recognition.
Keep an eye out for breakout rooms where coaches adjourn to discuss points with the guest speakers (or other coaches) post presentation. These are a great way of drilling deep down on a specific subject or a particular problem you may have. O-Line coaches are famous for it, as are the Double Wing guys. By getting coaches to work on whiteboards you make the most out of their knowledge and expertise.
Reach out to other coaches before you go. Social Media is a brilliant tool for approaching people online with to meet up with later. Find a coach you know you want to speak to and chat to him online for a bit, it will make approaching them in person much less intimidating. Equally you can save on travel and accommodation costs if you’re travelling with others from the same region (even if they are from a rival team).
MD: Filming the sessions can be really handy to share them with coaches back at your own team, if you have the facility to do so. Ask tonnes of questions, especially if you’re watching the big name presenters, because it’s much harder to get hold of them a month down the line when you look back over your notes and something doesn’t make sense.
Make sure you have your say. The convention is also an opportunity to talk to the BAFCA Board and other decision makers from BAFA and BUCS will be present over the weekend. The convention is the biggest opportunity we as coaches have all year to have a say in the running of our sport and hear from the people in charge.
Any Does and Don’ts?
During Q&A sessions don’t be drilled obsessed. There are a ton of drills out there and none of them will turn your player into an All Pro.
Go to the same talks as your mates. Take a video camera each if you have one and try to cover as many of the different talks as possible, so you can cross reference and build a library of knowledge.
Stick to sessions based on your own position or side of the ball. Understanding what the other guy is trying to do to beat you will help make you and your players more effective.
Forget to take time after the convention to review your notes and consolidate your learning. You’ll be scribbling down notes and diagrams like a maniac and a few weeks later, most of them will be meaningless unless you take an evening to review, fill in any gaps and come up with some actions to implement your learning
Talk to as many people as possible. Including, and especially, your rival coaches from your own league. Communication breaks down barriers and you will find that the evil coach from down the road is actually a decent guy who is just as committed to the sport as you are.
Talk to strangers. You’d be very surprised who attends these conventions and very often the coaches that you’ve heard of are not the ones with the best insight or knowledge. Some coaches are great self-promoters, others are just great coaches and you can learn a lot from these chats.
Take some time for preparation in advance. What would success look like from a weekend at the convention? What challenges am I struggling to overcome? What questions could I use an answer to? Who do I need to build contacts with? A little planning and prep goes a long way.
Ask the coaches you meet where they have got their knowledge from and what their reference materials are. This can give you further reading and more contacts to leverage down the line as your own knowledge builds.
What about Accommodation?
PL: BAFCA usually offers some discounted hotels connected to the host venue. But in truth it doesn’t matter where you stay. My positional coaches tend to travel down in a couple of cars and room share over the weekend to save on cost. Depending on the venue location it may be easier for you to travel in and out again on the same day.
MD: Cost is always a factor for these events so I understand why people can be hesitant to book themselves for 2 nights’ accommodation that could be spent on other non-Football activities. But attending even for one of the days will be well worth the effort. If you can book close to the venue then great, but if not, don’t worry. Most people hang around until the end of the day to talk Football so your hotel room won’t see you much anyway.
One Last Thing:
The BAFCA convention provides a unique opportunity to improve as a coach and to improve your team. The Convention in turn is a better event for having a wider mix and range of coaches willing to learn and share their experiences with other members. We hope you take the plunge and come and join us at Convention.